Team User Reports
User history
GhostVolt records every action a user takes and stores it in the database so it can be retreived later for auditing and reporting. The potential amount of data recorded is infinite and the history is limitless. If you have the correct permissions you can view, filter, sort, search, export and manage every datapoint relating to a user, including, for example: when the user logged on/off, password changes, file usage, folder users, file additions/removals plus many other data points.
To get started go to the Team window, select a user and click History in the main ribbon, or right-click on the user and select History.

The user history reports window
The user history Reports window displays every action the user has ever taken in the main panel. Every action has a time/date stamp, the event type, username of an administrator that would have triggered a certain type of account action, the client computer name and further details of the event.

Filter by time limit or date range
The user history can be filtered by time limit in the Date dropdown. Filters include by the day, trailing period, calendar period or custom dates.

Filter by event type
The Select event types doption is a very useful way of filtering data points. You can check or uncheck each option to display that event type history, or use the Select all / Select none buttons at the top of the panel.
There are 41 different event types including, for example: login/logout activity, password, encryption key and server actions, file and folder actions and much more.

Search the user history
The search function is very sophisticated and can return a huge number of queries relating to user actions. Examples may be:
"Password" could return a password acceptance date, as well as the administrator that performed that event, the client computer and some key details.
"Lock" would find all the dates a user’s account was locked and unlocked and some key details.

Export the user history
Your user history report can be exported, in it's current state, to PDF (v1.7) or Excel (.xlsx) file and automatically stored in a new directory in the same location as your GhostVolt database, for example: C:\ProgramData\GhostVolt\Reports, by clicking the PDF or Excel buttons in the ribbon. When you export for the first time the dialogue window will give you the option to open this folder location. And you can open this folder directly by clicking Browse in the main ribbon.

Delete all exported reports
The Clean up button in the ribbon enables you to delete all reports that have been exported from GhostVolt to the Reports directory (explained above in Export the user history). This is a two-step process where you will be prompted to confirm your action by clicking Yes in the next dialogue window, or No to abort the process.
The Clean up operation will delete all reports exported from GhostVolt: not only the User history reports referred to in this section, but also all other reports including Accessible Files, File Audit and Folder Audit reports (referred to later on this page).
Accessible files
The Accessible Files window shows a detailed list of all folders, and the contained files, the user has access to. Note: this is a view of every asset in GhostVolt the user can access, wether they have interacted with it or not.

The accessible files window
The Accessible Files Reports window shows an expanded view of every asset in GhostVolt available to the current user. You can click the Arrow icon to the left of each folder name to collapse it. The folders are displayed in descending alphabetical order, and folder names beginning with glyphs outside the Roman character set (i.e. $, £, &) are listed at the bottom (below Z).

Export the accessible files report
The accessible files report can be exported to PDF (v1.7) or Excel (.xlsx) file and automatically stored in a new directory in the same location as your GhostVolt database, for example: C:\ProgramData\GhostVolt\Reports, by clicking the PDF or Excel buttons in the ribbon. When you export for the first time the dialogue window will give you the option to open this folder location. And you can open this folder directly by clicking Browse in the main ribbon.

Delete all exported reports
The Clean up button in the ribbon enables you to delete all reports that have been exported from GhostVolt to the Reports directory (explained above in Export the accessible files report). This is a two-step process where you will be prompted to confirm your action by clicking Yes in the next dialogue window, or No to abort the process.
The Clean up operation will delete all reports exported from GhostVolt: not only the Accessible Files reports referred to in this section, but also all other reports including User History, File Audit and Folder Audit reports (referred to elsewhere on this page).
View Your Own History
My history
You can view your own activity in GhostVolt just as you would with other users, but the location is different: navigate to the Admin window and, under the My Account section, click My history

My history reports window
The My History reports window behaves in exactly the same way the User History reports window does for other GhostVolt users. For detailed information on functionality refer back to the User History section on this page.
File & Folder History and Audits
As with user auditing, GhostVolt records every action taken against a file or folder and stores it in the database so it can be retreived later for auditing and reporting. The potential amount of data recorded is infinite and the history is limitless. If you have the correct permissions you can view, filter, sort, search, export and manage every datapoint relating to a file or folder, including, for example: which files or folders where moved, edited, downloaded, key changes and many other data points.
File timeline
File timelines offer a complete view of every event made against a file and the user that triggered it.
To get started just select the file you want in the File Manager, click File timeline in the main ribbon, or right-click the file and choose File timeline from there.

The File Timeline window gives you a complete view of the file history with the date and timestamp, user and event types, which are colour coded for easy scanning and filtering. Filtering by date and event type are found in the left panel.
For more detailed information on File Timelines See File timelines for more info.
File Audit
To get started select the file you want and click File Audit in the main ribbon, or right-click on the file and select File Audit.

The file audit reports window
The file audit reports window displays every action ever taken against the selected file in the main panel. Every action has a time/date stamp, the event type, username of the user that would have triggered the event, the client computer name and further details of the event.

Filter by time limit or date range
The user history can be filtered by time limit in the Date dropdown. Filters include by the day, trailing period, calendar period or custom dates.

Filter by event type
The Select event types option is a very useful way of filtering data points. You can check or uncheck each option to display that event type history, or use the Select all / Select none buttons at the top of the panel.
There are 15 different event types including, for example: deleted, opened for editing, shared, downloaded to a local machine and much more.

Search the file audit history
The search function is very sophisticated and can return a huge number of queries relating to user actions. Examples may be:
"Shared" would return all reports relating to that file being shared by a user, or "closed" would return details of the file being closed, and also details of a file being Forcefully 'Closed' by a Manager.

Export the user history
Your user file audit report can be exported, in it's current state, to PDF (v1.7) or Excel (.xlsx) file and automatically stored in a new directory in the same location as your GhostVolt database, for example: C:\ProgramData\GhostVolt\Reports, by clicking the PDF or Excel buttons in the ribbon. When you export for the first time the dialogue window will give you the option to open this folder location. And you can open this folder directly by clicking Browse in the main ribbon.

Delete all exported reports
The Clean up button in the ribbon enables you to delete all reports that have been exported from GhostVolt to the Reports directory. This is a two-step process where you will be prompted to confirm your action by clicking Yes in the next dialogue window, or No to abort the process.
The Clean up operation will delete all reports exported from GhostVolt: not only the File Audit history reports referred to in this section, but also all other reports including Accessible Files, User History and Folder Audit reports for example (as all exported reports are stored - and deleted from - the same directory).
Folder Audit
Folder Audits behave in much the same way as File Audit reports.
Note: The Folder Audit button has been moved to the folder view toolbar.

To get started select the folder - or any of it's contained files - and click Folder Audit in the folder view toolbar to the left, or right-click on the folder itself and select Folder Audit.

The folder audit reports window
The folder audit reports window displays every action relating to the selected folder in the main panel. Including files added and deleted from it and also user access rights granted or denied. Every action has a time/date stamp, the event type, username of the user that would have triggered the event, the client computer name and further details of the event.

Filter by time limit or date range
The folder audit history can be filtered by time limit in the Custom dropdown menu or by specific date range in the From/To calendar pickers.

Filter by event type
The Select event types option menu is a very useful way of filtering data points. You can check or uncheck each option to display that event type history, or use the Select all / Select none buttons at the top of the panel.
There are 12 different event types including, for example: files added/removed, encryption key changes, user access granded/denied, and much more.

Search the file audit history
The search function is very sophisticated and can return a huge number of queries relating to user actions. Examples may be:
"Access" would return all reports relating to user access granted or removed from the folder, or "name" would return details where the folder name was changed for example.

Export the folder audit history
Your folder audit report can be exported, in it's current state, to PDF (v1.7) or Excel (.xlsx) file and automatically stored in a new directory in the same location as your GhostVolt database, for example: C:\ProgramData\GhostVolt\Reports, by clicking the PDF or Excel buttons in the ribbon. When you export for the first time the dialogue window will give you the option to open this folder location. And you can open this folder directly by clicking Browse in the main ribbon.

Delete all exported reports
The Clean up button in the ribbon enables you to delete all reports that have been exported from GhostVolt to the Reports directory. This is a two-step process where you will be prompted to confirm your action by clicking Yes in the next dialogue window, or No to abort the process.
The Clean up operation will delete all reports exported from GhostVolt: not only the Folder Audit history reports referred to in this section, but also all other reports including Accessible Files, User History and Folder Audit reports for example (as all exported reports are stored - and deleted from - the same directory).